Antibiotic Stewardship

Instructions for Using the Template Spreadsheet to Report Antibiotic Starts

  1. Download the template spreadsheet to your computer by clicking the link: BIDLSAntibioticStartReportingProgram_ImportTemplate.xlsx
  2. Report only one month of antibiotic starts per spreadsheet.
  3. Report each antibiotic start for the report month as a new row in the spreadsheet.
  4. Column-specific instructions:
    1. Columns with asterisks* are required.
      1. Antibiotic Name*: Select an antibiotic from the drop-down list. Antibiotics are listed in the following format: 'Generic name (brand name)'. If the antibiotic is not in the drop-down list, choose "Other."
        • Other Antibiotic: If you selected "Other" in the previous column, specify the name of the other antibiotic here.
      2. Indication*: Select the indication for the antibiotic prescription from the drop-down list. If the indication is not in the drop-down list, choose "Other."
        • Other Indication: If you selected "Other" in the previous column, specify the other indication here.
      3. Antibiotic Prescription Origin*: Select the origin of the antibiotic prescription, i.e. where the antibiotic was prescribed. If this antibiotic was prescribed by a provider employed by or otherwise affiliated with your facility, select "Long-term care facility."
        • Specify Other Origin: If you selected "Other" in the previous column, specify the other origin here.
      4. Is this antibiotic prescription indefinite?*: Select "Yes" or "No." Select "No" if the antibiotic prescription has a planned total duration of therapy, i.e. if the antibiotic prescription has an end date. Select "Yes" only if the antibiotic was prescribed indefinitely and does not have an end date, e.g. for prophylaxis or chronic suppression.
      5. Planned Total Duration of Therapy*: Enter days of therapy for this antibiotic (if the antibiotic was not prescribed indefinitely). Enter a whole number between 1 and 100. If the antibiotic was prescribed indefinitely and you answered "Yes" in the previous column, leave this column blank.
      6. Race of Prescribed Resident*: Enter the race of the prescribed resident.
        1. Race 2-7: A resident may have more than one race. Additional entries for race should be entered across columns Race 2 to Race 7.
        2. Specify Other Race: If you selected "Other" in one of the previous columns for race, specify the other race here.
      7. Is the prescribed resident Hispanic/Latinx?*: Select "Yes", "No", or "Unknown."
      8. Resident ID: Enter a number that will allow you to match this record with a resident in your records for data validation purposes (e.g. a medical record number). This is optional.
  5. Save the template spreadsheet to your computer.
  6. Upload the filled-out template spreadsheet by clicking "Upload File."
  7. Click "Choose File" and select the saved template spreadsheet.
  8. Click "Upload File."
  9. Click "Submit" at the bottom of the survey form. You have filled out the survey for the month!